Wednesday, February 6, 2013

The Virgin Entry is my first time........blogging that is...lets be real haha.  I was wondering all day today what I wanted to talk about in my first entry.  I didn't want to delve into anything too serious for a first hurrah but a lot of the things running through my mind at the moment spark serious thoughts! But one thing I thought would be interesting to discuss had to do with a post I made on Facebook today.  It involved this girl being sentenced to 30 days in prison and a $10,000 fine all because she was extremely disrespectful to the judge sentencing her.  In case you missed's a link!

                                 ------- > Girl Swears and Gives Judge Middle Finger <-------

It got me to thinking about taking responsibility for your own actions.   How many of us can honestly say that we are very upfront and own up to what we are responsible for?
I think a lot of people sometimes have a hard time being 100% honest about something or taking full responsibility for something they may have said/done/etc.  I mean I'm sure we are all guilty of telling a white lie here and there.  But do we ever sit back and it really easier to take a step back and face the uncertainty rather than stepping up and facing the music? Why do people have such a hard time admitting when they have done something wrong and facing the consequences of it?  For me my own 28 FABULOUS years of living, I have grown to see that you really do live a much more simple, happy and stress-free life when you are honest with others, honest with YOURSELF, and take responsibility for what you do/say/cause/etc.....AND most importantly...when you can admit when you are wrong. ;)
Sometimes being honest and taking responsibility isn't the easiest way...or the most comfortable thing to do....but the LONG-term effects are much more rewarding.  (Reminder! Strictly just my opinion here lol) What I think people sometimes forget is by doing the the time it might make things seem like they'll be easier to deal with...but really I feel like you're just building a snow ball that is about to go down a steep hill and grow larger and larger to the point that when it does crash....its going to be so much worse than if you just faced things head on when you first should have.

SIDEBAR........I'm at the point now where I am wondering if I am making any sense!? Sometimes my mind goes a-wonderin' and I be a-typin and it could end up being a big ole mess!  (Okay I'm done being southern)

I think I'll summarize my thoughts on this now anyway.  So think about it.  Have the inner conversation with yourself so you can be completely honest and nobody has to know! Hehe ;)  Do you have issues taking responsibility for your sh*t? Can you admit when you are wrong and face the music? (And if you have to face the music with're going to face the Spice Girls so deal with it!)

And finally...I'll leave you with something far less serious, quite comical...and slightly inappropriate.  A lovely photo of Charlie striking a provocative pose!

  ~Corey Nicholas~

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