Thursday, February 28, 2013

When Will The *Weight* Be Over?

I figured it was a good time to write about something that is a part of my life 24/ weight journey.  (And since I received a personal request from the awesomely awesome Ashley Martin!)  This is usually a popular topic with nearly everyone because most people I know have some sort of issue(s) with their body. But here is my story (so far!)

 My weight has been an issue ever since I was a pre-teen.  It started off with just a cute little pot belly.  The little pot belly slowly started growing though.  By my Freshmen year of high school I was heading in to full fledge double-chin mode!

Upon really seeing the change in my body...that summer after Freshman year I started walking Lake Scranton with some friends.  I also did a lot of walking in general because I couldnt drive yet.  When I started my Sophomore year...I was back down to nearly a single chin...and quite happy.

 I still had a pot belly....but it wasnt as bad lol.  The ladies noticed me more during my Sophomore year! (Lets keep in mind...this was when I was still "straight") ;) LOL.  My semi-slim down was only temporary Junior year slowly welcomed back the double chin.

By the time I graduated high school I think I weighed around 240/250 pounds.  It sucked..but it only got worse.

I definitely put on the "Freshman 15"...and then some during my 4 years in college.  College definitely had its fair share of ups and downs for me emotionally which contributed to my weight gain.

Looking back in retrospect...I know a lot of the emotional issues I had during this time period were due to the growing frustration of hiding my sexuality.  I know this is a completely different topic...but it definitely plays a role into my weight. Even though I didnt come out until after weighed heavy on my mind during college for some reason.  I guess because I was becoming an adult and was growing tired of hiding.  A few short months after I graduated college, I finally made the decision it was time to begin coming out to everyone.  It was one of the craziest times of my life.  The highest of the highs...and the lowest of the lows.  Entering the gay world was not at all what I thought it would be.  Here I was thinking....oh this is going to be great!  I can finally be myself....I will get to meet people like me....everything will be super awesome!  And while part of that is definitely true....I had NO idea that my weight was such a big no-no in the gay world!  Bummer for me!  This was a really hard time for me.  It was like history repeating itself.  When I was growing up pre-middle school...I always felt like an outcast.  I didnt feel like I fit in at all.  I barely had any friends.  It was tough.  And now...I'm in this gay world and meeting all of these new people and making these new friends....and almost everyone has a good body.  So there I an area full of skinny attractive guys...and Im that token fat funny guy.  Ugh.  I mean hey...I owned my title!!  But I wanted a piece of the other side too.  So...I decided I needed to try the weight loss thing again.  I joined a local gym....and started dieting like a BEAST!  Okay...well not like a beast because beasts are probably pigs....but you get my drift!  I lost about 25 pounds in a few months....and then it just stopped.

I changed my routine....tried working harder....but nothing.  This of course caused me extreme frustration. This was around Spring time of 2008.  It was after this time period that I ended up spiraling out of control with my weight. Within the next 3 years I reached my highest and scariest weight...tipping the scale JUST shy of 300 pounds.

And now the real problems started.  I had to go on medication for high blood pressure.  I had a fatty liver. Back problems...joint problems...and I was also pre-diabetic.  This was when I really got scared.  I didn't want to end up like my Dad.  For those who don't know about my make a long story Dad had a lot of weight issues the last half of his life.  He also had other health issues too including diabetes and high blood pressure.  In 2003 my Dad decided to have gastric bypass surgery, against everyone's judgement.  Somehow he managed to pick a horrible hospital to go to with an equally horrible surgeon.  There was a problem discovered the morning after his surgery.  Instead of taking the proper steps to correct the problem...the doctor never showed up when nurses continued to make calls with status updates of my fathers health and situation.  He had a leak....which when you have a leak after G-bypass surgery...needs to have surgery to repair it OR if surgery cannot be done right a drain in to pool out the leak so its not poisoning your body.  None of this was done and by the 3rd day my Dad passed away.  It wasnt a good time..but thats a completely different story. forward to summer time of 2010.  I am considering looking into weight loss surgery.  Shocking I know considering what happened to my Dad.  But I know my dads case is unique and I knew if I were to do this Id definitely be going to a center of excellence.  I was afraid to bring it up to my Mom because I thought it was going to cause a stir of emotion and anger towards me.  Surprisingly though...most of my family was pretty supportive.  Scared...but supportive.  So I began taking steps to getting this done.  I researched numerous hospitals...even had someone do a background check on the surgeons from each facility. (I did my homework!)  I ended up choosing Hershey.  After going through 6 months of nutritional counseling, psychiatric evaluation (which my friends were sure I'd fail haha), and numerous other tests...the time came to schedule my surgery.  On March 7th 2011 I had gastric bypass surgery.  The morning 2 besties Bryan and Chris joined my mother and I for surgery day.  I'll never forget that morning because Bryan and I ended up fighting literally right up until I was being wheeled away for pre-surgery prep.  It was stupid stuff haha.  He was a night owl at the time and up until like 3am....and me being a freak who cant sleep until the house is black and quiet was also up all night....and because so did not wake up until Chris called me waiting outside of my house to go to Hershey.  I didnt even have time to shower before my big surgery! LOL.  So I was all kinds of nervous and angry...and Bryan and I had heated words in the waiting room lol.  So of course....tension on top of surgery tension.  But...when I was in the bed getting ready to be wheeled off....tears streaming down my face...I still turned around to say "I love you" to the bastard HAHA.  (hey ya never know)  My surgery went very well aside from a slight hiccup that ended up being nothing.  I was back home and on my feet 2 days later.  It was so crazy in the beginning.  Obviously I couldnt eat ANYTHING....only liquids for a good 2 to 3 weeks.  In the first 3 months I lost like over 30 pounds.  I lost the majority of my weight from the surgery in the first 6-8 months.
There are a lot of people who think this is an easy way out of losing weight.  Sometimes, many years ago, I even thought that.  Having been someone that has now gone through it...I can tell you although it definitely does is not easy.  Those people are not kidding when they tell you that this surgery is only a tool to help you reach your goals.  If this were an easy fix-all surgery....Id already be an Ellen underwear model!

As my first year anniversary approached I was down around 70 pounds.  I couldn't believe the change!

One of the biggest challenges for me..and I'm sure countless others who battle weight keeping the motivation and fighting your inner "weight" voice.  The biggest realization I made throughout this whole journey is that I would never have been successful had I not worked on and fixed the inside first.  Fixing the inside was the real battle for me.  Becoming comfortable with myself...accepting myself, who I am, and how I look was the greatest challenge.  And of course sometimes I still have my insecurities...who doesnt?  But I have been in a very good and happy place for some time now...and without being there...the success of my current weight loss would have never been possible.  I think that is something a lot of people dont understand. You have to fix those inside issues first before you can begin preparing the outside to match.  Think about it.  You can have the most beautiful house in the world...but if the foundation is will eventually collapse.  You have to have a solid foundation to make you strong enough to take on the "weight" of a task like this.  Thats what I believe anyway. 2 year post-op anniversary is only 7 days away.  To be completely honest...I have been having a rough 2 weeks.  I am frustrated that after 2 years...I still have not reached my goal.  I am currently down 85 pounds from my highest weight....but I am still 25 pounds away from my goal.  It doesnt sound like a lot...but it is the HARDEST to lose.  When I moved back to Dunmore this past of the first things I did was join Planet Fitness.  Prior to that...the summer of 2012 I started to fall off the wagon again and I put on 10-15 pounds.  (It varied literally every single day...I am never the same weight 2 days in a row haha)  I knew that I could not let this happen though...especially after all I had went through.  So...I have been going to the gym pretty regularly for almost 4 months now.  2 months into my new gym journey I hit another minor road block.  I had conditioned myself back up to being able to get in some decent running on the treadmill. I got myself up to 5 and a half miles once! (Thats a big deal for me lol)  But then I started having issues with my feet.  My feet were becoming so numb during running that I literally couldnt run anymore.  It felt like my legs were attached to solid blocks.  I saw a podiatrist.  She gave me some tips.  She felt that because my feet were never used to the type of impact that comes with running...that is what was causing the problem...and that I had to slowly ease into running.  That problem has gotten much now I am in the process now of trying to re-motivate myself.....and trust is NOT easy.  I know I'll get back on my feet though.  I am also not a super strict dieter either.  I find that when I go on a crazy only lasts so long and I burn myself out.  So although I do treat myself...I try to be more aware of what I am eating and make decent choices. When I go to the grocery store I try not to even buy junk.  I try to buy healthy snacks and such.

Thus far though...I am definitely proud of where I have gotten to.  I can do things that I was never able to do run down the end of the street without having a stroke...or running in general! HAHA.  I have more confidence than I ever used to have.  I will always be a work-in-progress...because I think you should always work on yourself to be the best version of you that you can be.  I try not to rely on others for motivation...I try to be my own motivation.  I want to be responsible for myself.  This is one of the reasons why I like going to the gym by myself.  I dont want to rely on a gym buddy or anything like that.  I find that for me...I am more successful when I put everything on my own shoulders.  I also know that I will never have a "perfect" body...and I have come to accept that.  I understand that while God blessed me with having this superbly awesomely stellar personality...he didnt have quite enough time to give me the body to match! HA!

So as with everything else...I take this one day at a time.  All I can do is hope that as long as I continue to work hard and strive to reach my day I will see it.  And if/when that happens...we're going to the bar for lots of celebratory shots!!  So although this is definitely not the end of my weight story...this is all I can leave you with for now!

  ~Corey Nicholas~

Monday, February 11, 2013

How Much Would You Tolerate for a Relationship?

So...I've struggled a bit with the topic of this blog entry...because it closely ties into something that I have gone through very recently.  The topic? Relationships and Friendships and the extent of how we handle and manage each.  I'm delving into the more serious phase of relationships.  Now...I myself don't exactly have a plethora of relationship experience (people can't handle my amazingness)....but I've certainly witnessed my fair share of many relationships among some of my closest friends.  Sometimes these friendships have been tested or strained because of relationships....whether it be on the friends part or the significant others part.
Some of these things tend to stem from finding that balance between having a relationship and maintaining your bond with your close friends.  Some of it stems from peoples insecurities or jealousy.  And some of it stems from....well....plain psychotic-ness!
When you have been friends with someone for quite some time....and there is seemingly nothing wrong with your friendship....then suddenly (or not so suddenly) a significant other comes into one of your lives and problems start, whether right away or quite some time after seeing each other,.....who do the problems really lie with?  I have quite a few examples that I can talk about because well...I've gone through issues with almost all of my best friends that involved relationships...but the situation I want to focus on here is the most recent...because I feel it was one of the most drastic.
Without dragging out quite a long story...I lost one of my CLOSEST friends this past fall because their now husband decided to become completely irrational, jealous, insecure...and for lack of a better word...a complete control freak.  This person, literally out of the blue, started giving my friend a hard time about the most INSANE things...most ridiculous of all being that he accused her of having slept with me for the past 4 years prior to their marriage.  REALLY?  But seriously.....REALLY?!  (I pride myself on being a lady-virgin...HA) But this is what sucked and what hurt the most in this whole situation.  After several weeks of this constant ridiculous ridicule and accusations against my friend...I guess she decided that it would just be easier for her to cut me out of her life for the sake of her marriage. We had known eachother since we were 16 years old...and shared every nook and cranny of our lives with each other to the extreme!  I also knew her husband for almost 4 years and we also had quite a comfortable relationship with each other.  So this was all literally out of the blue craziness.
                                                   Cue  the LC and Heidi saga-drama haha!

So that brings me to my question.  How far is too far?  How much would you tolerate in a relationship when it comes to finding a balance with your friends as well.  And can a great relationship and best friendships co-exist in near-perfect harmony?  (I say near-perfect because nothing is perfect!)
In stark comparison to this situation, one of my other BFF's has been in a relationship for nearly 2 years now.  This is someone that I am not only extremely close with and share everyone with...but shared a home with for 4 years. (RIP B-C Casa) I couldn't get along more swimmingly with his significant other.  I consider his significant other one of my best friends now.  There are never any issues, no insecurities about our close friendship or any of that.  Its just plain NORMAL and healthy! And I know many other relationships like this as well.  So is quite possible.  So why do some people get into and stay in these relationships where everything has to be a problem and you have to start compromising aspects of your life that shouldn't have to be compromised just to make your significant other happy?  Don't people realize there ARE people out there who are not like that and would not cause these types of issues in a relationship?  Now I know that nearly everyone wants to find their true love in life...but how much are you willing to sacrifice to try to find that?  AND...if you are asked to sacrifice so it really a love worth holding on to?
I would MUCH rather be alone than with someone who would try to do any of this to me.  Clearly people missed the VERY important memo that 5 wise girls taught us all back in the 90's!

                                      "If you wannabe my gotta get with my friends!"

Laugh if you want but its words to live by!

I'd love to hear input on this topic! Feel free to share your thoughts and opinions!

~Corey Nicholas~

Thursday, February 7, 2013

My Blod

While chatting with my pseudo-wife Christina today...I typo'd "my blog" with "my blod" she suggested I name my next post that. So here it is...and here is your shout out. (Even though you claim you wont read said blod) Fin.

My exciting moment of the day today was my new valences for my bedroom windows being delivered. My bedroom was the only room in my apartment without curtains since I moved here. I found near perfect ones to match my room on eBay for a fabulous price! I attached a photo for viewing pleasure ;)

Moving on...I really didn't want to go to the gym today...but I went. I wasn't feeling I only did a moderate workout. My bariatric belly was hurting today lol. Needless to say I was feeling rather blah when I got home. Today marks 3 months that I've been gyming and I've only managed to lose about 12 pounds. I'm 25 pounds away from my goal and it's driving me crazy at the thought of possibly not getting there! Ugh. Anyway...I was watching Entertainment Tonight (which I seldom do anymore) and it must have been a sign for me to watch tonight because they showed a segment on this woman, Valeria Levitin, who suffers from severe anorexia. (Google/YouTube her) It was extremely sad and disturbing to see that she is literally skin on bones. She looked so fragile...I was nervous just watching her walk. I though to much as I'd love a flat and fabulous tummy and an "average range" bmi...Im grateful to have never gone to such extremes. I literally have never seen someone with that condition as bad as she was. I hope she can get herself better =\ It did lesson the stress I had on myself tonight though.

On to other random tid bit thoughts currently on my mind:
-I don't care if it snows tomorrow...since it is indeed winter...but I would enjoy a forecast that doesn't change every 5 minutes lol. If I were the weatherman...I'd own it and just be like "listen...this storm is a big old spiteful bitch and I haven't the slightest of what she's gonna prepare as you may!"
-I have a love/hate relationship with the fact that once 10pm rolls around I get excited to go to bed. I hate it because I feel like I'm old. I love it because I love sleep...and that's okay at any age!! Lol
-I can't buy the final season of Sex and the City yet and I've been mildly depressed because I'm dying to see it. I still can't believe it took me like over a decade to finally watch it!
-Im watching The Nanny right now on Nick@Nite and it reminds me how angry I still am at the fact that the last 3 seasons of the show were never released on DVD. How can they do that?! WE THE FANS NEED THE ENTIRE COLLECTION!
-When I have trouble falling asleep I drink a glass of chocolate milk. (Hershey's syrup though!)

AND finally...every single time I go into the bathroom and am at the sink...Vuitton follows and jumps on the toilet seat and stares at me...jumps on the edge of the counter...and sometimes paws at me. I don't get it...but it's pretty adorbs. Picture attached! Haha......and G-night!

~Corey Nicholas~

Wednesday, February 6, 2013

The Virgin Entry is my first time........blogging that is...lets be real haha.  I was wondering all day today what I wanted to talk about in my first entry.  I didn't want to delve into anything too serious for a first hurrah but a lot of the things running through my mind at the moment spark serious thoughts! But one thing I thought would be interesting to discuss had to do with a post I made on Facebook today.  It involved this girl being sentenced to 30 days in prison and a $10,000 fine all because she was extremely disrespectful to the judge sentencing her.  In case you missed's a link!

                                 ------- > Girl Swears and Gives Judge Middle Finger <-------

It got me to thinking about taking responsibility for your own actions.   How many of us can honestly say that we are very upfront and own up to what we are responsible for?
I think a lot of people sometimes have a hard time being 100% honest about something or taking full responsibility for something they may have said/done/etc.  I mean I'm sure we are all guilty of telling a white lie here and there.  But do we ever sit back and it really easier to take a step back and face the uncertainty rather than stepping up and facing the music? Why do people have such a hard time admitting when they have done something wrong and facing the consequences of it?  For me my own 28 FABULOUS years of living, I have grown to see that you really do live a much more simple, happy and stress-free life when you are honest with others, honest with YOURSELF, and take responsibility for what you do/say/cause/etc.....AND most importantly...when you can admit when you are wrong. ;)
Sometimes being honest and taking responsibility isn't the easiest way...or the most comfortable thing to do....but the LONG-term effects are much more rewarding.  (Reminder! Strictly just my opinion here lol) What I think people sometimes forget is by doing the the time it might make things seem like they'll be easier to deal with...but really I feel like you're just building a snow ball that is about to go down a steep hill and grow larger and larger to the point that when it does crash....its going to be so much worse than if you just faced things head on when you first should have.

SIDEBAR........I'm at the point now where I am wondering if I am making any sense!? Sometimes my mind goes a-wonderin' and I be a-typin and it could end up being a big ole mess!  (Okay I'm done being southern)

I think I'll summarize my thoughts on this now anyway.  So think about it.  Have the inner conversation with yourself so you can be completely honest and nobody has to know! Hehe ;)  Do you have issues taking responsibility for your sh*t? Can you admit when you are wrong and face the music? (And if you have to face the music with're going to face the Spice Girls so deal with it!)

And finally...I'll leave you with something far less serious, quite comical...and slightly inappropriate.  A lovely photo of Charlie striking a provocative pose!

  ~Corey Nicholas~